108 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
TRIGger:SOURce INTernal: TRIGger:SOURce INTernal1-2 (E1563A) or
TRIGger:SOURce:INTernal1-4 (E1564A) triggers a reading when the level
specified by TRIG:LEVel <channel> is met. The TRIG:SLOPe setting
determines whether the trigger occurs when the signal rises above
(POSitive) or falls below (NEGative) the specified level on that channel.
CALCulate Disabled: If TRIGger:SOURce INT<n> is set, CALCulate<n>
:LIMit:LOWer[:STATe] or CALCulate<n>:LIMit:UPPer[:STATe] are disabled
if they were enabled, where <n> represents the channel number used for the
internal trigger source and the channel used for testing a limit. See Chapter
2 for information about how the internal trigger source is driven by the level
Master/Slave Operation: TRIG:SOURce1 is set to the appropriate TTLT<n>
line by TRIG:MODE MASTer | SLAVe. TRIG:SOURce1 cannot be changed
unless the trigger mode is NORMal. Attempting to change TRIG:SOURce1
when mode is MASTer or SLAVe will cause a “settings conflict” error.
TRIG:SOURce2 is not affected by TRIG:MODE MASTer | SLAVe
Executable when initiated: No
Coupled command: Yes. TRIGger:LEVel, TRIGer:MODE,
CALC:LIMit:UPPer[:STATe]. Changes to TRIG:SOURce1 will cause a
“settings conflict” error if TRIG:MODE is set to MASTer or SLAVe.
Reset (*RST) condition: TRIGger:SOURce1 IMMediate and
TRIGger:SOURce[<n>]? queries present setting for the specified trigger
source (1 or 2). The command defaults to trigger source number 1
if <n> is not designated.
Comments Information Returned: This command returns one of the following responses
indicating the trigger source setting: BUS, EXT, HOLD, IMM, INT, INT2,
INT3, INT4, TTLTn (where n = 0 to 7). Internal level trigger on channel 1 is
returned as INT versus INT1 (the “1” is implied). The internal level trigger
for channels 2, 3 and 4 return INT2, INT3 and INT4, respectively.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<n> numeric 1 or 2 none