166 Digitizers Adjustments Appendix E
E1563A Gain Adjustment
NOTE The zero adjustment procedure MUST have been recently performed prior
to beginning any gain adjustment procedure. Zero adjustment should be
performed one time followed by the other gain adjustments. Each range in
the gain adjustment procedure for each channel takes less than 5 seconds
to complete.
1 Reset the E1563A Digitizer by executing *RST.
2 Set the DC Standard output to 55 mV for the first gain adjustment.
3 Connect the DC Standard output across the E1563A "H" and "L"
input terminals of channel 1.
4 Prepare the E1563A for calibration:
• Set the channel’s range: VOLT<channel>:RANG <range>
• Set calibration source to external: CAL:SOUR EXT
• Send input value: CAL:VAL <input voltage> (see Table E-1, Gain
Adjustment Range Input Voltages, for <range> and <input voltage>
5 Perform the adjustment by sending CAL:GAIN<channel> (adjusts
each channel in about 5 seconds).
6 Send SYST:ERR? and read the result to verify the calibration
command was successful.
7 Repeat steps 3 through 6 for ranges and inputs in Table E-1.
8 Repeat steps 2 through 7 for channel 2.
NOTE Valid calibration input values sent to the digitizer are 0.85 to 0.98 of Full
Scale for the range being adjusted. The CAL:VAL <input voltage>
parameter must equal the actual input value. For example, if you input
0.9V to calibrate the 1V range (instead of 0.95), send CAL:VAL 0.9 to the
digitizer prior to the CAL:GAIN <channel> command.
Table E-1. Gain Adjustment Range Input Voltages.
Channel Range Input Voltage
62 mV 55 mV
0.25V 0.24V
1V 0.95V
4V 3.8V
16V 15V