74 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
You can also detect when measurements are complete by monitoring the
“measurement complete” bit (bit 9) of the STATus:OPERation:CONDition
register in the STATus system (see the STATus subsystem). *WAI, *OPC
and *OPC? will all be fulfilled immediately after INIT is processed, not when
the measurements are complete.
Comments Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: Idle state
INITiate:CONTinuous? queries the instrument to determine if the
INITiate:CONTinuous is enabled or disabled.
INITiate[:IMMediate] initiates the trigger system and prepares a Digitizer to
take voltage measurements.
Comments Digitizer Operation: After initiation, the Digitizer enters the wait-for-trigger
state and begins taking pretrigger readings until the pretrigger count is met
(if there is a pretrigger count set). All incoming triggers are ignored until the
pretrigger count is met. Pretrigger readings continue until a trigger arrives.
The first trigger received after the pretrigger readings have been acquired is
the one accepted and it advances the digitizer to the wait-for-sample state
which is where readings are actually taken. When the number of readings
specified by TRIGger:COUNt and SAMPle:COUNt have been taken, the
trigger system returns to the idle state and digitizer stops measuring.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: Idle state