
August, 2006 BOARDS
BICU (Base Engine and Image Control Unit)
The BICU is the main control board and controls these functions:
Engine sequence control (all sensors, motors, fusing temperature control circuits)
Image processing control (on the IPU)
Scanning control
GW controller interface
Peripheral timing control
GW Controller and Mother Board
The controller board controls all the options. It contains the GW architecture ASICs,
and connects to the BICU and PCI interface. During copying, the mother board
stores compressed data, and controls these items:
Operation panel interface
Storage of SC information in NVRAM.
The controller board also has SD card sockets. These are used for these functions:
Download firmware for updates
Copy optional firmware onto one SD card. (Copied from Slot 3 to Slot 2.)
Hold the firmware for the printer or printer/scanner option. (The firmware is
stored on the SD card in Slot 2.)
Hold the machine system firmware (this is on the SD card in Slot 1, which must
never be removed.
IOB (I/O Control Board)
The I/O control board controls these items:
Input and output ports for all sensors, motors, solenoids
All drivers
High voltage power supply
Analog input signals. Converts analog data to 10-bit digital data. The CPU on the
BICU reads this data.