8 251 T:Scan PGS/ImgEdt
8 252 C:Scan PGS/ImgEdt
8 254 P:Scan PGS/ImgEdt
8 256 L:Scan PGS/ImgEdt
8 257 O:Scan PGS/ImgEdt
These SPs show how many times Image
Edit features have been selected at the
operation panel for each application. Some
examples of these editing features are:
• Erase> Border
• Erase> Center
• Image Repeat
• Centering
• Positive/Negative
[0~9999999/ 1]
Note: The count totals the number of times
the edit features have been used. A
detailed breakdown of exactly which
features have been used is not given.
The L: counter counts the number of pages stored from within the document server mode
screen at the operation panel, and with the Store File button from within the Copy mode screen.
T:Scn PGS/ColCr [0~9999999/ 1]
8 261
These SPs count the total number of scanned pages by the color
processing mode used.
8 261 1 Color Conversion
8 261 2 Color Erase
8 261 3 Background
8 261 4 Other
C:Scn PGS/ColCr [0~9999999/ 1] 8 262
These SPs count the number of pages by the color processing
mode used for Copy jobs only.
8 262 1 Color Conversion
8 262 2 Color Erase
8 262 3 Background
8 262 4 Other
• These counters are enabled only for MFP machines that support color. The wide
format machines do not support the “Background” or “Other” counters.
8 281 T:Scan PGS/TWAIN
8 285 S:Scan PGS/TWAIN
These SPs count the number of pages
scanned using a TWAIN driver. These
counters reveal how the TWAIN driver is
used for delivery functions.
[0~9999999/ 1]
Note: At the present time, these counters
perform identical counts.