8 191 T:Total Scan PGS
8 192 C:Total Scan PGS
8 195 S:Total Scan PGS
8 196 L:Total Scan PGS
These SPs count the pages scanned by
each application that uses the scanner to
scan images.
[0~9999999/ 1]
• SP 8 191 to 8 196 count the number of scanned sides of pages, not the number
of physical pages.
• These counters do not count reading user stamp data, or reading color charts to
adjust color.
• Previews done with a scanner driver are not counted.
• A count is done only after all images of a job have been scanned.
• Scans made in SP mode are not counted.
• If 3 B5 pages and 1 A3 page are scanned with the scanner application but not
stored, the S: count is 4.
• If both sides of 3 A4 sheets are copied and stored to the document server using
the Store File button in the Copy mode window, the C: count is 6 and the L:
count is 6.
• If both sides of 3 A4 sheets are copied but not stored, the C: count is 6.
• If you enter document server mode then scan 6 pages, the L: count is 6.