5307 Summer Time
Lets you set the machine to adjust its date and time automatically with the change to
Daylight Savings time in the spring and back to normal time in the fall. This SP lets you
set these items:
- Day and time to go forward automatically in April.
- Day and time to go back automatically in October.
- Set the length of time to go forward and back automatically.
The settings for 002 and 003 are done with 8-digit numbers:
Digits Meaning
1st, 2nd
Month. 4: April, 10: October (for months 1 to 9, the first digit of 0 cannot be
input, so the eight-digit setting for 002 or 003 becomes a seven-digit
3rd Day of the week. 0: Sunday, 1: Monday
The number of the week for the day selected at the 3rd digit. If “0” is
selected for “Sunday”, for example, and the selected Sunday is the start of
the 2nd week, then input a “2” for this digit.
5th, 6th The time when the change occurs (24-hour as hex code).
Example: 00:00 (Midnight) = 00, 01:00 (1 a.m.) = 01, and so on.
7th The number of hours to change the time. 1 hour: 1
If the time change is not a whole number (1.5 hours for example), digit 8
should be 3 (30 minutes).
001 Setting Enables/disables the settings for 002 and 003.
0: Disable
1: Enable
Rule Set
The start of summer time.
Rule Set
The end of summer time.
Access Control
This SP stores the settings that limit uses access to SDK application data.
200 SDK1 Unique ID
201 SDK1 Recognition
210 SDK2 Unique ID
211 SDK2 Recognition
220 SDK3 Unique ID
221 SDK3 Recognition
This data can be converted from SAS (VAS) when installed
or uninstalled.
User Code Count Clear 5404
001 User Code Counter Clear Clears all user code counters.
Press [#] to execute.