
#24 National font (EPSON).................. 3-27
#25 Code page...................................... 3-28
#26 Alternate graphics mode (AGM)
(IBM).................................. 3-28
#27 CR code function............................ 3-29
#28 LF code function............................ 3-29
#29 Accent character............................ 3-30
#30 Zero font style................................ 3-30
#31 Horizontal tab................................ 3-31
#32 Locking page length...................... 3-31
#33 Locking font................................... 3-32
#34 Locking character pitch................. 3-32
#35 Locking character quality.............. 3-33
#36 Locking character table.................. 3-33
#37 FF code function / TOF ................. 3-34
#38 Graphic Quality.............................. 3-35
Validity of bar code and
enlarged character
................ 3-36
Bar code type
................................... 3-37
Bar code specifications.........
#42 Bar code size................................... 3-39
#43 Enlarged character size.................. 3-39
#44 Software setup................................ 3-40
#50 PCL mode (HP).............................. 3-40
#51 Secondary character table (HP).... 3-41
#60 Setting option.................................. 3-41
#61 Paper path....................................... 3-42
#62 Automatic scrolling........................ 3-42
#63 Out-of-paper detection.................... 3-43
#64 Skew detection............................... 3-43
#65 Paper jam detection....................... 3-44
#66 Line feed speed.............................. 3-44
#67 Auto scroll position........................ 3-45
#70 Interface.......................................... 3-46
#71 Printer select command................... 3-47
#72 Parity bit (Serial I/F)................... 3-47
#73 Data length (Serial I/F)............... 3-48
#74 Stop bit (Serial I/F)...................... 3-48
#75 Protocol (Serial I/F)..................... 3-49
#76 Baud rate (Serial I/F)................... 3-49
#77 Serial error (Serial I/F)................ 3-50
#78 CTS signal (Serial I/F)................. 3-50
#79 CD signal (Serial I/F)................... 3-51
#80 DSR signal (Serial I/F)................. 3-51
#81 Input buffer size.............................. 3-52
#82 BUSY/ACK signal timing
(Parallel I/F)....................... 3-53
#83 Data latch timing
(Parallel I/F)....................... 3-53
#84 Error Status (Parallel I/F)............... 3-54
#90 Printing direction........................... 3-55
#91 Display language on LCD............. 3-55
#92 Locking panel keys........................ 3-56
#93 Locking reset key........................... 3-56
#94 Printing panel setting..................... 3-57
#95 Printing setup list........................... 3-57
4. Functions........................................ 4-1
High speed printing............................. 4-1
Enhancing the copying capability
for multipart forms................. 4-2
Setting the printing start position........ 4-2
Feeding perforation to the cutter
position................................... 4-3
More stable paper feeding.................. 4-3
Automatically feeding perforation to the paper
cutter position in the standby condition.. 4-4
EEPROM initialization ...................... 4-5
Correcting vertical misalignment........ 4-6
Using various types of paper............... 4-8
Executing test printing......................... 4-9
Key shortcut function........................... 4-9
Setting the application software......... 4-10
Connecting the printer in the
HP envioronment................. 4-12
5. Bar code and enlarged
character function
................. 5-1
Bar code type.......................................5-1
Outline of bar code function
........ 5-1
Makeup of bar code....................... 5-1
Presettable bar code function list.5-2
Bar code command list................. 5-2
(1) Bar code type.......................................... 5-2
(2) Element width........................................ 5-3
(3) Bar code height..................................... 5-3
(4) Setting HRI on and off........................... 5-3
(5) HRI font.................................................. 5-4
(6) Check character.................................... 5-4