
ESC SP (27)D(32)D (1B)H (20)H
Specifies the space between characters.
(0 n 127)
nn n
The dot density differs with the printing mode, as shown below.
ESC ! (27)D(33)D (1B)H (21)H
Batch selection of the printing mode
(0 n 255)
nn n
ESC # (27)D(35)D (1B)H (23)H
Cancels MSB control.
ESC $ (27)D(36)D (1B)H (24)H
Specifies the absolute printing position.
n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2
Distance =
n1 + ( n2
256 )
(In units of 1/60 inch)
ESC % (27)D(37)D (1B)H (25)H
Specifies or cancels the down-load character set.
(n = 00, 01, 30, 31)
nn n
n = 01, 31:
Specifies the down-load character set.
n =
00, 30:
Cancels the down-load character set.
ESC & (27)D(38)D (1B)H (26)H
Defines the down-load characters.
s, n, m, s, n, m, s, n, m, s:
Down-load character set number
[ a0, a1, [ a0, a1, [ a0, a1, n :
Define start of ASCII code
(00)H ~ (7F)H
a2, data] a2, data] a2, data] m :
Define end of ASCII code
(00)H ~ (7F)H
m-n+1 m-n+1 m-n+1 a0 :
Left space
a1 :
Actual character width (Number of dots)
a2 :
Right space
ESC * (27)D(42)D (1B)H (2A)H
Selects graphic function.
mm m
8-pin graphic:
n1 +(n2
n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2
24-pin graphic:
(n1 +(n2
d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
•••dk ••• dk ••• dk
In the 8-pin graphic mode, one bit of data corresponds to two print head pin dots, as shown below.
EPSON Software commands
Decimal Hex
8. Software commands
Printing mode Dot pitch
Draft 1/120 inch
LQ 1/180 inch
Proportional 1/180 inch
Bit "1" "0"
Command having
same function
0 12 cpi 10 cpi ESC M / ESC P
1 Proportional Proportional canceled ESC p
2 Condensed Condensed canceled SI / DC2
3 Emphasized Emphasized canceled ESC E / ESC F
4 Double strike Double strike canceled ESC G / ESC H
5 Double-width Double-width canceled ESC W
6 Italic Italic canceled ESC 4 / ESC 5
7 Underscoring selected Underscoring canceled ESC -
Mode Pin m
Horizontal dot density
Max. dots per line
Single-density 8 0 60 816
Double-density 8 1 120 1632
Double-speed 8 2 120 1632
Quadruple-density 8 3 240 3264
CRT I 8 4 80 1080
CRT II 8 6 90 1224
Single-density 24 32 60 816
Double-density 24 33 120 1632
CRT III 24 38 90 1224
Triple-density 24 39 180 2488
Hex-density 24 40 360 4896
Horizontally adjacent dots can not be printed.
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