
5. Bar code and enlarged character function
The following shows the transition conditions from subset
A to subset B.
1. Input a character code unique to subset B (60H
to 7FH) when subset A is selected.
2. Then input a character code unique to subset B
(60H to 7FH) without inputting a character code
unique to subset A (00H to 1FH). (If a character
code unique to subset A is input in this step,
subset B is not selected. The character code
unique to subset B input in step 1 is expressed
with the shift code.)
The following shows the transition conditions from subset
B to subset A.
1. Input a character code unique to subset A when
subset B is selected.
2. Then input a character code unique to subset A
without inputting a character code unique to
subset B. (If a character code unique to subset B
is input in this step, subset A is not selected. The
character code unique to subset A input in step 1
is expressed with the shift code.)
Subset C is selected when four continuous character codes
(30H to 39H) are input.
If a code common to subset A and subset B is input when a
subset is not determined or subset C is selected, subset B is
temporarily selected.
Code 128 subset transition rule
Bar code function