
Bar code function
5. Bar code and enlarged character function
(16) Initializing the bar code mode: DC4 DC4 @
Format: ASCII DC4 DC4 @
Hex 14 14 40
Decimal 20 20 64
Function: Initializes the bar code mode.
The following show the default settings for bar code.
Bar code type: SETUP
Narrow bar width: SETUP
Wide bar width: SETUP
Narrow space width: SETUP
Wide space width: SETUP
Inter- character gap: SETUP
Bar code height: SETUP
Setting HRI: Below the bar code symbol
HRI font OCR-B
Check character: Added
Printing density: 1/120
In a bar code data sequence, any codes other than the ESC
code are regarded as bar code data.
In a bar cord sequence following ESC SI, continuous two-
byte ESC codes (ESC + ESC) are regarded as a one-byte
ESC bar code.
In a barcode data sequence following ESC SI, ESC+ SO
and ESC + ESC are valid and the other ESC sequence are
ingnored. The ESC code and the following data, two bytes
in all, are discarded.
When a start or stop character code (e.g.,
code of Code
39) is input in a bar code data sequence, the bar code data
sequence stops if bar code data has already been input in
that sequence. The data that was input is valid and
converted into a bar code. If not, the bar code data
sequence does not stop and the code is discarded.
When 68 bytes of data is input, the bar code data sequence
ends automatically.
When Code 93 or Code 128 is selected, the bar code data
sequence ends when the amount of input data, including the
automatically inserted control character, reaches 68 bytes.
(Bar code buffer full)
Data processing in the bar code data sequence