
ESC E (27)D(69)D (1B)H (45)H
Specifies emphasized printing.
ESC F (27)D(70)D (1B)H (46)H
Cancels emphasized printing
ESC G (27)D(71)D (1B)H (47)H
Specifies double-striking.
ESC H (27)D(72)D (1B)H (48)H
Cancels double-striking.
ESC J (27)D(74)D (1B)H (4A)H
Executes line feeding at a pitch of n/180 inch.
ESC K (27)D(75)D (1B)H (4B)H
Specifies the 8-dot single-density graphic mode.
ESC L (27)D(76)D (1B)H (4C)H
Specifies the 8-dot double-density graphic mode.
ESC M (27)D(77)D (1B)H (4D)H
Specifies 12 cpi (elite).
ESC N (27)D(78)D (1B)H (4E)H
Specifies the bottom margin.
ESC O (27)D(79)D (1B)H (4F)H
Cancels the bottom margin.
ESC P (27)D(80)D (1B)H (50)H
Specifies 10 cpi.
ESC Q (27)D(81)D (1B)H (51)H
Specifies the right margin
ESC R (27)D(82)D (1B)H (52)H
Selects a national character type.
ESC S (27)D(83)D (1B)H (53)H
Specifies superscript or subscript.
ESC T (27)D(84)D (1B)H (54)H
Cancels superscript or subscript.
ESC U (27)D(85)D (1B)H (55)H
Specifies or cancels uni-directional printing.
ESC W (27)D(87)D (1B)H (57)H
Specifies or cancels double-width printing.
ESC Y (27)D(89)D (1B)H (59)H Specifies the
8-dot double-speed, double-density graphic mode.
ESC Z (27)D(90)D (1B)H (5A)H Specifies the
8-dot quadruple-density graphic mode.
ESC \ (27)D(92)D (1B)H (5C)H
Specifies the relative printing position.
ESC a (27)D(97)D (1B)H (61)H
Selects the printing position adjustment.
ESC b (27)D(98)D (1B)H (62)H
Specifies the vertical tab position in each channel.
ESC g (27)D(103)D (1B)H (67)H
Selects 15 cpi.
ESC j (27)D(106)D (1B)H (6A)H
Executes reverse feeding at a pitch of n/180 inch
ESC k (27)D(107)D (1B)H (6B)H
Selects the font
ESC l (27)D(108)D (1B)H (6C)H
Specifies the left margin.
ESC p (27)D(112)D (1B)H (70)H
Specifies or cancels proportional printing.
ESC q (27)D(113)D (1B)H (71)H
Selects a special effect.
ESC t (27)D(116)D (1B)H (74)H
Selects a character code table.
ESC w (27)D(119)D (1B)H (77)H
Specifies or cancels double-length printing.
ESC x (27)D(120)D (1B)H (78)H
Selects character quality.
EPSON command list