
5. Bar code and enlarged character function
This page shows examples of a BASIC program for printing enlarged
characters and the printed enlarged characters (actual size).
100 OPEN "LPT1:"AS #1
110 DC4$=CHR$(&H14)
120 '
130 PRINT #1, DC4$;DC4$;"@"; '
140 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"c";CHR$(8); '
Magnification of cell: x8
150 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"f";CHR$(4); '
Font typeface: SCRIPT
160 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"p";CHR$(1); '
Character pitch: 12 CPI
170 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"l";CHR$(1); '
Magnification mode on
180 '
190 PRINT #1,"8"; '
Default size print
200 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"h";CHR$(2); ' Vertical magnification: x2
210 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"w";CHR$(2); '
Horizontal magnification: x2
220 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"a";CHR$(3); '
Alignment: ascender
230 PRINT #1,"ASCE";
240 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"a";CHR$(2); '
Alignment: center
250 PRINT #1,"CENT";
260 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"a";CHR$(1); '
Alignment: descender
270 PRINT #1,"DESC";
280 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"a";CHR$(0); '
Alignment: baseline
290 PRINT #1,"BASE";
300 '
310 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"w";CHR$(8); '
Horizontal magnification: x8
320 PRINT #1,"H";
330 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"w";CHR$(1); '
Horizontal magnification: x1
340 FOR N=1 TO 8
350 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"h";CHR$(N); '
Vertical magnification: xn
360 PRINT #1,RIGHT$;(STR$(N),1); '
370 NEXT N
380 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"w";CHR$(8); ' Horizontal magnification: x8
390 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"r";CHR$(1); '
Rotate: 90 degree
400 PRINT #1,
410 PRINT #1,CHR$;(13);CHR$(10); ' CR+LF
420 '
430 PRINT #1,DC4$;DC4$;"l";CHR$(0); '
Magnification mode off
440 CLOSE #1
450 END
Enlarged character function
Enlarged character print samples