
5. Bar code and enlarged character function
If a character code that is not valid for the selected bar
code type is input, the character code is not converted into
a bar code symbol but is printed as a character. If the bar
code has a start or stop character added to the HRI, the
start or stop character is printed. ‘ ’ is printed instead
of an invalid character.
If an incorrect number of data are input to form a bar code
which should have a specific number of data, the input
data is not converted into a bar code symbol but is printed
as a character.
If incorrect data is input in the UPC-A format and cannot
be converted into the UPC-E format, the input data is not
converted into a bar code symbol but is printed as a
character. (For the rules of converting the UPC-A format
into the UPC-E format, see “UPC-E conversion rule”
Error processing
Bar code function