
5. Bar code and enlarged character function
• Modulus 11
a. Data characters are weighed from the right to the left, as,
example,1, 2, ..., 10, 1, 2 ... 10, 1, 2 and so forth. The sum of
the data character values is determined. (The symbol ‘-’ has a
character value of 10.)
b. A character having a character value equal to the remainder of
dividing the value determined in step a by 11 is the first check
character (C).
c. Data characters are weighed from the right to the left,
beginning with C, as, for example, 1, 2, ..., 9, 1, 2 ... , 9, 1, 2
and so forth. The sum of the data character values is
d. The character with a character value equal to the remainder of
dividing the value determined in step c by 11 is the second
check character (K).
• Modulus 16
a. The sum of the all characters including start and stop
characters values is determined. The following table shows the
conversion of character into value.
Value Character Value Character Value Charactr Value Character
00 11 2 2 33
44 55 6 6 77
88 99 10- 11$
12 : 13 / 14 . 15 +
16 A 17 B 18 C 19 D
b. The remainder X of deviding the value determined in step a
by 16 is determined. The remainder Y of subtracting the
remainder X from 16 is determined.
c. Convert the remainder Y into the character Z according to the
conversion table in a. The character Z is the check character.
• Modulus 43
a. The sum of the data character values is determined.
b. The character with a character value equal to the remainder of
dividing the value determined in step a by 43 is the check
Bar code function