Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Diagnostic and Error Messages
Work: Insert card to continue!!!
(non-fatal error)
The operating system cannot see the rear-panel PCMCIA memory card. Turn power off and make sure that
the card is fully seated, then return power to cure this message.
Card does not have valid OS!!!
(a fatal error)
The contents of the rear-panel memory card do not match what the operating system expects. There is no
bootable image on the card.
No previous system found in memory
(a non-fatal and self-correcting error)
The contents of the non-volatile RAM on the motherboard do not match what is on the rear-panel memory
card. This can be caused by a new memory card being inserted, or by the Omnia being booted up for the
first time after the non-volatile memory has been cleared.
NVRAM failure
(a fatal error)
The operating system was unable to write to the non-volatile RAM on the motherboard.
Failed to initialize RTC
(a fatal error)
The operating system could not initialize the Real Time Clock IC on the motherboard.
Dead battery, data lost.
(a fatal error)
The Lithium battery used for system configuration backup is being reported as dead or battery voltage is
too low for reliable operation.
Timed out loading DSP. len = 8658 (Exact 'len' may vary)
Failed DSP #7 bootstrap, contact CE. (DSP Card number may vary)
(a fatal error)
The operating system was not able to initialize a DSP card or one of the two IC's on the card. Note that the
DSP # can vary depending on which card is involved.
Host command bit not clear
ERROR: read failed write address, DSP #8 0100e3
(write address may vary)
(a fatal error)
The operating system was unable to communicate with the DSP's host port.
Note that the DSP# and memory location referenced can change.
Failed routing, contact CE.
(a fatal error)
The operating system was unable to establish the correct signal path routing through the DSP chain.