Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Script Command Definitions
The scripting commands available for use with the Daypart Scheduler are listed in bold lettering (e.g.,
parts). Their definitions (e.g., Displays the current daypart table) and usage examples are also listed. The
commands have been divided by general functions (Dayparts, Presets, System parameters, etc.). In use, a
command is typed in and then the enter or return key is pressed. If the command is executable (e.g., parts),
then the command is run (e.g., a table of the dayparts is displayed), otherwise the cursor simply moves to
the next entry line.
parts Displays the current daypart table
partadd <day> <time> Adds a daypart to the daypart table.
The “day” parameter can be assigned the following days: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, M-F, S-S,
All. The “time” parameter must be defined using the following format: <hour>:<min>:<sec><am | pm> .
As an example, typing Partadd Mon 5:00:00am <enter> commands the Omnia-6 to add a daypart on
Monday at 5:00:00am.
partremove Removes a daypart from the current daypart list.
Example: partremove Mon 5:00:00am <enter>
partload Loads a daypart from the PC Card.
partsave Saves the current daypart to the PC Card.
Note: After a preset is saved to the system, the Omnia knows them by their Index Number, not by their
Preset Name. Therefore, when selecting a preset, you use its index number. When saving presets, you use
its name!
presets Lists all the currently available factory and user presets by
index #.
preset <preset index #> Selects the preset by index # from the list of available presets
Example: preset 21 <enter> commands the Omnia-6 to load preset number 21 in the index
delete <preset index #> Deletes a preset from the preset index list by its index number.
Example: delete 21 <enter> commands the Omnia-6 to remove preset number 21 from the
index list.
rename <preset index #><name> Renames the preset by its index number.