add ipx_route vc
■ ipx_net [ipx_address]
■ metric [hop_count]
■ ticks [tick_number]
Adds an IPX route for the a user over the WAN.
add ipx_service vc
■ ipx_net [ipx_address]
■ hops [number]
■ name [name]
■ node [internal_node_number]
■ socket [socket_number]
■ type [service_type]
Adds a static IPX service (for the WAN) to the IPX services table. You must supply
the name, internal ipx network number, node number, socket, and type of service
for this service. The user must also supply gateway information to indicate the
next router hop.
Below is a partial list of the IPX services available:
278 NetWare Directory server
Parameters Description
<name> The name of the user for the IPX route.
Ipx_net IPX address of the route, in IPX (xxxxxxxx) form.
Metric An integer representing how far away the route is, in “hops” through other
routers. Values are 1-15.
ticks Estimated interval in ticks it takes to deliver a packet to the remote network.
There are approximately 18 ticks per second.
Parameters Description
<name> The name of the user for the IPX route.
Petitioned IPX address of the route, in IPX (xxxxxxxx) form.
Hops An integer representing how far away the route is, in “hops” through other
routers. Values are 1-15.
name Estimated interval in ticks it takes to deliver a packet to the remote network.
There are approximately 18 ticks per second.
node The internal MAC address of the server on which the service resides. This is
typically 00:00:00:00:00:01.
socket Indicates which “socket” the server listens on.
type Type of service: hex number referring to file server, print server, etc. Refer to
the table below.
Type Description
04 file server
05 job server
07 print server
09 archive server