IPX Routing 6-17
set vc <vc name>
ipx_address <ipx network address>
■ To specify that the WAN IPX network address should be learned via PPP you can
enter FFFFFFFF for the <ipx network address> parameter:
set vc <vc name>
ipx_address FFFFFFFF
■ To specify that the interface is Unnumbered you must enter 00000000 for the
<ipx network address> parameter.
set vc <vc name>
ipx_address 00000000
Configuring IPX Static
and Framed Routes
A Static route is a configured route that will remain in the routing table until
deleted. Static routes differ from Dynamic routes in that Dynamic routes are
learned real-time via RIP or when new connections are established.
A Framed route is much like a Static route in that you manually configure the
route. The difference is that a Static route is defined for the LAN while a Framed
route is associated with a remote site connection. Also, while a Static route is
active when the LAN is connected, a Framed route is active only when the
connection to the associated remote site is active.
If you wish to set up a route to a network on the other side of a remote site, use a
Framed route. If you wish to set up a route to a network through the LAN, use a
Static route. Only use Static and Framed routes for networks not learned using
■ To add a Static IPX route over the LAN, use the command:
add ipx route <ipx network address>
gateway <ipx network address>
metric <number>
ticks <number>
The route will appear in the IPX routing table. You can display all IPX routes with
the list ipx routes command.
■ To delete an IPX Static route, use the command:
delete ipx route <ipx network address>
■ To add a Framed route that will be installed in the IPX routing table when a
connection is established use the command:
add ipx_route vc <vc name>
ipx_net <ipx network address>
metric <number>
ticks <number>
The route will be removed from the IPX routing table when the VC profile is