SHOW Show commands display details about system entities.
show access Displays the current status of the access list feature.
■ Administration Status - Indicates status of the access list feature. Options
are Enabled or Disabled.
■ LAN Access - Indicates whether all frames received on the LAN interface
are subject to access list checking.
■ Number of Frames Blocked - Number of frames silently discarded because
the Remote Host’s subnet was not on the access list.
show atm status Displays current statistics for the ATM protocol running over the ADSL WAN
interface. It lists:
■ Cell Delineation - Whether or not cell delineation is currently achieved.
■ ILMI VPI - ILMI Path Identifier used for obtaining dynamic VC’s (Not
supported OfficeConnect Remote 812 1.0).
■ ILMI VCI - ILMI Channel Identifier used for obtaining dynamic VC’s (Not
supported OfficeConnect Remote 812 1.0).
■ TX Cells - Number of ATM data cells sent over the WAN.
■ TX Idle Cells - Number of ATM idle cells sent over the WAN.
■ RX Good Cells - Number of well-formed and correctly addressed ATM data
cells received from the WAN.
■ RX Idle Cells - Number of well-formed and correctly addressed ATM idle
cells received from the WAN.
■ RX No Pkt Avail - Number of times a packet was reassembled but could
not be delivered over the LAN because of lack of packet memory within the
OfficeConnect Remote 812.
■ RX Bad VPI or VCI - Number of ATM cells received with a bad or inactive
VPI and/or VCI number.
■ RX Bad HEC - Number of ATM cells received with a bad ATM header.
■ RX Queue Full - Number of times a packet was dropped because the RX
queue was full.
show adsl statistics Ststaistics for both near end and far end ADSL/ATM link. Counters include
corrected frames, CRC errors, and HEC errors for the Fast and Interleaved path.
show adsl performance Fields:
■ Number of link down events
Scr Sustained Cell Rate (VBR only).
Type This designated a virtual circuit as either a Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC)
or a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC).
Vci Virtual Channel Identifier.
Vpi Virtual Path Identifier.