Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
HLP Help
Use HLP for a list of all serial commands supported in your projector—send the (HLP?) request.
Each item in the list has 3 parameters stating if the command is disabled (and why), its 3-character
code, and the menu label or brief description:
P1 = current on/off state of the command
0 = enabled
1 = disabled because power is off
2 = disabled because the required hardware is missing
3 = disabled because the function has not been licensed
4 = disabled because the factory option has not been enabled
5 = disabled because the command is not valid in the current context
7 = disabled because the function has been locked in the service menu
8 = this is a read-only function
P2 = 3-letter ASCII code for the command (ASR, BRU, etc.)
P3 = menu label for the command. For those commands for which there is no equivalent
menu item, short descriptive text is returned
HOR Horizontal Position
Use HOR to adjust the horizontal position of the image.
LVS Lens VariScope System
This enables (1) the lens settings to be saved / restored when the channel is changed. When off
(0), changing the channel does not affect the lens settings. When LVS is activated it may cause
a query to proceed with lens motor calibration (see LCB). Lens calibration is necessary for LVS
to function. Since calibration will take a couple of minutes, the user is allowed to decline and
leave LVS turned off.
INM In Menu
Use INM to specify whether a source setup is to be included in (1) or excluded from (0) the
IOP Image Optimization
With the IOP control, the user can choose whether raw image quality or the cleanness of image
transitions is more important.
Choosing Best Image Quality allows scaler resources to be allocated under some conditions to
improve image quality in the form of deeper pixel depth. However, when switching sources, the
screen will go blank and increase your switching time.
Choosing Smooth Switching allows for cleaner transitions and/or fading when a user selects a
new source to be displayed. The images will fade from the old image to the new image according
to the Fade Time control (FAD).
Seamless Switching overrides the Frame Lock Enable (FLE) settings and forces the output to run
at 60Hz regardless of the input signal. The image is 100% seamless when switching sources.
Parameter Value
P1 0 = Best Image Quality
1 = Smooth Switching
2 = Seamless Switching
3.67 HLP
3.68 HOR
Horizontal Position
3.69 LVS
Lens VariScope System
3.70 INM
In Menu
3.71 IOP
Image Optimization