Parameter name Description Value range Default value
Pre-Shared Key Specify the Pre-Shared Key. 8 - 64 characters silex technology * *
Codec size Specify a codec size for 1 frame. 32 - 255 64 * -
Capture Timing
Vertical frequency / (1+x) = FPS
60[Hz]/(1+[capture timing]2)= 20[fps]
1 - 29 2 * -
Gain R Adjust a red gain.
0 - 255 128 * -Gain G Adjust a green gain.
Gain B Adjust a blue gain.
Filter R Adjust a red lter.
0 - - - 300 MHz
1 - - - 150 MHz
2 - - - 75 MHz
3 - - - 50 MHz
4 - - - 30 MHz
5 - - - 15 MHz
6 - - - 7 MHz
7 - - - 4 MHz
8 - - - 550 MHz
9 - - - 500 MHz
10 - - - 450 MHz
11 - - - 400 MHz
12 - - - 350 MHz
13 - - - reserved
14 - - - reserved
15 - - - 600 MHz
15 * -
Filter G Adjust a green lter.
Filter B Adjust a blue lter.
Oset R Adjust a red oset.
0 - 255 128 * -Oset G Adjust a green oset.
Oset B Adjust a blue oset.
H.Position Specify a horizontal position. 0 - 65535 313 * -
Specify a width of horizontal
synchronization signal by dot clock.
0 - 65535 128 * *
Specify a period for horizontal
synchronization by dot clock.
0 - 65535 1664 * *
H.Back Porch
Specify the Back Porch of horizontal
synchronization signal by dot clock.
0 - 65535 192 - *
V.Position Specify a vertical position. 0 - 65535 21 * -
S p ec i f y a w i d t h o f ve r t i ca l
synchronization signal by horizontal
synchronization signal.
0 - 65535 7 * *
Spec ify a pe riod for verti cal
synchronization signal by horizontal
synchronization signal.
0 - 65535 798 * *
V.Back Porch
Specify the Back Porch by horizontal
synchronization signal.
0 - 65535 20 - *