Sierra 200 Satellite Radio User Manual

DTMF Generation Commands
C385 (u) Send dtmf string
Sends dtmf string to a specific radio port.
Syntax is C385rsssss…D
r is the radio port 0..7
s is a dtmf string of up to 16 characters
0...9 are entered as 0…9
A is an escape character for entering the remaining DTMF characters
AA sends a DTMF “A”
AB sends a DTMF “B”
AC sends a DTMF “C”
AD sends a DTMF “D”
A7 sends a DTMF “*”
A9 sends a DTMF “#”
B inserts a space
C clears the input to start over
D is the termination for completion
C385 3 123 D
Generates 123 out to the
port 3 transmitter
C385 3 A7 555 AC D
Generates *555C out to the port 3 transmitter