System Admin (Super User) Commands
Test Tone Commands
C219 (u) Turn on test tone
Turns a 1 kHz tone on and off for test purposes.
Syntax is C219r
r is the physical port of the radio 0..8, where 8 is the CPU card
C220 (u) Turn off test tone
Turns off the test tone from C219
Syntax is C220r, as for C219.
C221 (u) Set the test tone frequency
Syntax is *C221ffffD, where ffff is the frequency in Hz.
The value must be less than 4500 Hz. The default value is 1000 Hz, and is
reset whenever the processor is reset. This value is not written to eeprom and
is therefore not retained across resets.
C222 (u) Set the test tone amplitude
Syntax is C222aaaD
aaa is the amplitude, from 0..255.
The default value is 127, and is reset whenever the processor is reset.
C229 (u) Send test telemetry
Sends sound sequence from sound library.
Syntax is C229nnnD