All lines starting with a single quote ’ are comments and are ignored by the config
Switches start with a forward slash / followed by a name such as port_0_type followed
by a space then data. In this example the line assigns the port 1 personality type to be a
1 which means a repeater.
/port_1_type 1
Note that there are never
any spaces inside the switch name. Also note there is always
one, and only one
space between the switch name and the data, in this case a “1”.
The only exception are a few commands where spaces can be inserted in the data such as
a CW ID string. In this case the switch is on the first line and the string with spaces is on
the next line.
Note the use of the space in the string. This is by far the exception.
Blank lines can be inserted anywhere and will be ignored by the config program.
If a subset of the available parameters are included in the config file, the last
configuration that was loaded will become the default. So if you read in a new config
file with just the call sign of the station, all other parameters that were present in the
system will be used.
When the program initially starts, it will automatically read a default configuration file
called “
default.cfg”. The software is supplied with a generic default.cfg file but
you can modify it and save it off as your own default file.