Applications Engineering
If you encounter problems on installing the drivers, you can try the following:
Windows 2000
a. Copy the fousb.inf and usbmon.inf files from the C:\Renesas\FoUSB\USB
Drivers folder to the \WINNT\INF folder.
b. Copy the fousb.sys and usbmon.sys files from the C:\Renesas\FoUSB\USB
Drivers folder to the \WINNT\SYSTEM32\drivers folder.
Windows 98 or XP
a. Copy the fousb.inf and usbmon.inf files from the C:\Renesas\FoUSB\USB
Drivers folder to the \WINDOWS\INF folder.
b. Copy the fousb.sys and usbmon.sys files from the C:\Renesas\FoUSB\USB
Drivers folder to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers folder.
A.3 Debugging Problems
This section discusses the cause of the problem and countermeasures to resolve it. The common
problems encountered with debugging are:
• Erratic debug behavior
• Cannot connect to target
• Issues that may come up during debug operations
A.3.1 Erratic Debug Behavior
HEW allows you to launch multiple instances of itself. However, if more that one instance of HEW is open
during a debug session, erratic behavior can result. Running the FoUSB Programmer at the same time as
HEW can also result in erratic debug behavior. Lastly, having more than one ICD installed can also cause
erratic problems or cause HEW to crash.
A.3.2 Cannot Connect to Target
When the message “Can’t connect with the target” is displayed when attempting to connect, there are
several reasons that may have caused this message to appear. Each cause and its corresponding
countermeasure is discussed below.
• The ZDK board or the ICD are not connected correctly.
Unplug the ICD from the USB cable. First connect the ZDK target board to the ICD via the supplied
2×5-header ribbon cable, then connect the ICD back to your PC’s USB port via the supplied mini USB
cable. Please see section “4.0 ”. System Connectivity
• The ICD has no power (Power LED of the ICD is off).
Please ensure that the Power Mode switch on the ICD is set to ‘USB’, and that the power switch on
the ZDK board is set toward the ICD connector, if you want to power the board from the ICD unit. If
you want to power the ICD from the ZDK target board, the ICD power mode switch must be in the
‘Target’ position. The target board then must be provided with its own power supply and the target
board’s power switch must be on in the correct position (toward the power connector).
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK User’s Manual Rev 1.2 22/ 33 August 2006