Physical network Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliant
Raw data rate 10 megabits per second
Frame format D.I.X. (Ethernet)
Connector RJ-45 female
Ethernet type 10
Cable type CAT-3 (or better) twisted pair
Max cable length 100 m to hub
Grounding Floating
Transport network TCP/IP
Internetwork protocol IP
Transport protocol UDP
Application protocol QSC24
Version 1
Revision 7
Height 1.72” (1 RU)
Width 19” (standard rack mount)
Depth 14.84” (37.7 cm), including
rear supports
Weight 11 lbs (5 kg)
Mounting Rear support recommended for
portable or mobile use
Operating temperature 0 to 50° Celsius
AC Power
Voltage 100–240 VAC
Current 1.1 A RMS (@ 100V)
1 A RMS (@ 120V)
0.5 A RMS (@ 230V)
Frequency 47– 440 Hz
Disconnect Detachable power cord with IEC
Fuses 2 Ampere, 250 Volt Rating
5mm diameter, 20 mm length
Section 4: Specifications
Network Interface
RS232 Port
Cable Type Null-Modem (such as “Laplink”)
Port Settings Bits per Second 9600
Data Bits 8
Parity none
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control Xon/Xoff