
Instructions for Macintosh
Page 51
Edit menu
Under the Edit menu, the Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, and Select All functions operate
as standard Macintosh Edit menu items.
New Folder
The New Folder menu item creates a new subfolder in a Changer folder (if a Changer
folder is active when New Folder is selected), or in a Favorites folder (if a Favorites folder is
active when New Folder is selected).
Browser menu
Add Remote...
This feature allows a client to access a remote Changer. By selecting Add Remoteā€¦, client
users can add themselves to a host Macintosh system, so they can access the Changers
that are connected to that host. To use this feature, select Add Remote... and a dialog box
pops up. Enter the client system IP address, and hit the OK button. This stores the client
system information in a database on the host system, and gives that client system
permission to access that host.
To access the Changers connected to that host, the client user now simply selects the host
system through the Chooser.
The MediaFinder interface for Changers that are accessed remotely is the same as for
hosts, except there is no Changer Admin menu option under the Browser menu.
Remove Remote
Allows clients to remove themselves from a host system. This feature clears their system
information from the host system database.
Recent Remotes
This menu item displays a list of the host systems that the client has accessed. This allows
a client to connect again to a host system by selecting it from the Recent Remote list,
instead of entering the I.P. address.
Disc Info
Displays information about a particular disc, including disc name, date and time loaded,
mounted status, media type, visibility status, carousel slot number, Changer name, and
server name (or IP address). To use this function, highlight the desired disc and select Disc
Info from the Browser menu.