
Instructions for Windows
Page 24
Option B—Loading discs from the host PC desktop
To load discs into the Changer, there are two ways to gain access from the desktop:
Through the Changer icon on the desktop
Go to directory views within Explorer
From the desktop icon:
Right-click on the Changer icon for the Changer you wish to access, and select Changer
Load or Changer Bulk-Load, then follow the instructions below.
From Explorer:
Navigate to the PowerFile directory, then select the folder for the Changer that you wish
to load discs into (Changer 1, Changer 2, etc., or other name if the master folder has
been renamed); right-click on the Changer folder icon; and from the pop-up menu, select
Changer Load for single-disc insertion (if you have only one disc to load at this time), or
Changer Bulk-Load for sequential multi-disc insertion (this option allows you to place
several discs, one at a time, into the Changer, without having to select Changer Load
before each insertion).
When you select Changer Load or Changer Bulk-Load, the internal gate in the Changer
load/unload slot automatically opens, allowing the first disc to be inserted. With the data
side of the disc on the left and the label side on the right, gently place one disc into the
slot. Do not push or force the disc into the Changer. The disc is automatically lowered
into the Changer carousel, and the gate closes (to prevent any other discs from being
inserted before the Changer is ready).
If you select Changer Bulk-Load, once the first disc-loading operation is complete, the
carousel rotates and the gate reopens, allowing the next disc to be inserted. You can
continue this process, loading as many discs as you wish at this time. After each disc
insertion, the Changer reopens the internal gate for the next disc insertion. The gate will
remain open for approximately 10 seconds, waiting for another disc. If no discs are
inserted within that time, the gate closes and the disc-loading session is ended.