VR-2ogo/vR-2OBO/KRF VB881D/KRF-V77710 [EniK]
Select the "Main Menu" icon,
_@ 1_, t_ _ ........ Olfthe"LstnMode"iconisnotdisplayed, select"Lsn"fromthe
i ...... menu screen to display the "Lstn Mode" menu screen,
_ [ LS=tnjMode-lSnd[FnclSt el=]
g Select the Digital" icon so that "Auto" is displayed.
rib Digital |[ Ster, eo i
"Auto" should be displayed i_ normat use, If you want to set the
"Lstn Mode" to "Manuel", verify the surround play is still possible
by referring to the table on the previous page. By settir_9 the "Lstn
Mode" to "Manual", you can aways use a fixed surround mode or
select the desired surrour_d mode every rime tWith "Manual", the
surround mode can be selected whenever there is an input signal,)
O Select the "Input Digital" icon from the fixed segments so
that "Auto" is displayed,
• When "Input Digital" is selected, the "input Sound Status"
menu screen appears
The display is alternated every time the "Input Digital" icon
is selected,
Auto .-4 Manual
• When "Auto" is displayed by selecting the _lnput Digital" icon,
the playback is switched automatically when the output sigr_al
from t_e source changes from a DTS or Dolby Dig [al signal to a
PCM signal,
• If the digital input is not connected to the main unit, select
"Input Analog"
Display the component control screen.
O Select the icon of the component to be played from the fixed
To play a DVD disc, make su re that the DVD player is assigned
to "Video3" and select the "Video3" icon,
• Select the icon of the component which has been assigned in
"Assigning the connected components to the selected
Play the software.
0 Select the play key of the component to be played,
Adjust the volume.