VR-2090/VR_20BO/KRF-V88 B 10/KRF.V7• 710 iEnFK
If one of your connected components is not listed in the Setup Codes chart, its setup code can be downloaded through a
telephone line,
Futureset codes are stored in memory, Each time a "Futureset Upgrade" is performed, any previous information in the Futureset
memory location is erased. Please inform your customer service representative if FutureSet has been previously used.
D rite down the brand name and model number of your component in the space provided before
your call.
KENWOOD KVo???7 RC-????
_ your remote control.
Call our Free-Phone Consumer Help-Line and explain which components you would like to add to
USA: 1-800 753-g860 Canada : 1-800644..0023
This number is designed specifically for "Futureset Upgrade",
questions abe ut system operation should be first addressed to
your place of purchase,
• The hours for cutomer service in USA and Canada currently are:
Monday Thursday g:00 am 7:00 pm EST
Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm £ST
Saturday 12:00 pro. 4:00 pm EST
• Afte_ our c:stemer servi_e representative records the brand name_
and model u tuber of you component, he/she wil_ ask you to hold the '
remote to the speaker portion of your telephone as shown below.
Your remote control is KENWOOD model number: RC-R0907
Complete steps El, D and l_l before holding the remote to the
speaker portion of your telephone.
Open the "Setup" menu.
0 Select the "Main Menu" icon from the fixed segments,
Select the "Stp" icon.
Perform icon selection in the "Setup" menu.
0 Select the "Download" icon.
D Perform icon selection in the "Futureset Upgrade menu.
0 Select the "Download" icon,
• "Loading" is displayed during _eadout of the remote control
• The back light is turned off during "Loading"
• To abort downloading in the middle, select the CONFIRM key for
more than 2 seconds As "Canceled" appears after abortion,
select the " _ " icon to exit the operation.
D Receive the setup codes through the telephone.
0 Place the receiver speaker of the telephone set on the coil
section of the remote control (as shown in the illustration on
the left},
• For each setup code the operator ca_ supply a setup code numbeL
Shoud you ever need to change your input configuration, ths
number can be used Please record for your future reference.
• After recept on, the "Loading" message changes to the "Done"
message, which is shown for a few seconds