"LCD FutureSet"remote "Home Automation"ad ti n
Control "Home Automation" products
Your new remote centre comes with built-in IR commands to control non-audio/v dee equipment such as drapery-opening or lighting-control equipment,
Some equipment can even centre virtue ly any eleetr catly-powered equipment in your homo
The control feature works using built-in screens specially designed to emulate the operation of this non-audio/video equipment. Using these features
requff'es no setup to work with the compatible p_oducts from the companies listed below. And you can combine this cont;ot with the Macro features
of your remote to eutomaticalfy operate your aud o/video and home automation equipment - and signif cantly simp ify end enhance your home theater
and entertainment experience
Note: The following companies and products are not owned by or affiliated with Kenwood n any way. Please contact these companies directly for further
information or to find a retailer near you
iVlakita Automatic Drapery Opener System
Your Kenvvood remote completely reptaces certain Makita Automatic
Drapery Opener System remotes, using 4 builtqn screens The Makta
remote mode!s that it replaces are: ZZRC10, ZZRC20, ZZRC30 and
For more information:
Makita USA tnc,
14930 Nor[ham Street La Mirada, CA 90638 5753 USA
_-800-851 0537 (US) 1_714-522 8088 (outside the US}
1-714-522 8194 (fax)
E-rnail: MakJtaapd@aoJ corn
Your Kenwood [emote ca n automatically dim your lights with the Lutron
Spacer system or Lutron GRAFIK Eye. using 2 bu It-n screens. The
Lutron remote nlode s are: SP HT-WH, GRX- T, and GRX 8IT
sp_acer- _I;J_=IK Eye/_
For more nformaton:
Lutron Electronics Co, Inc 7200 Suter Road Coopersburg. PA 18036-
1299 USA
1-800-523-9466 (US, Canada, Caribbean)
Web www lutron corn
X -10
Your Kenwood remote can turn equipment on and off (as well as dim
lighting) with the X !0 converter product, usng a belt in screen
The X-t0 mode[ is: IR 543.
For more nformation:
Web: wwwxt 0corn
E-nqs k Xl0@xlO corn
In addition, many compar, ies sell X-10 compatible equipment. One
example is the Radio Shack product # RSU 10037703, which s equ re-
lent to the X-IO lR_543 Radio Shack has an extensive line of Xol0
compatible equipment.
"Automatic Power Sensing" and "SmartButton Macros"
The combination of "Automatic Power Sensing" and "SmartButton Macros" means that you can eas I'/turn your audio, video, and other equipment on or
off by touching one button on your remote. ]'his recever uses "Automatic Power Sensing" to determine ,whether connected equipment is currently on or
off, Then "SmartButton Macros" send only the needed commands to turn equipment on or off lhe _esult is that - unlike other products - your remote won't
turn a product off 'when you meant to turn it on,
"Automatic Power Sensing" works with these types of equipment set up using the 'universal' feature of your remote :
Audio equipment : AI Kenwood eqa pment connected through the St 16 bus
Video equipment : All equipment attached to this rece vet with a composite video nput
Video monitor : Any equipment attached through an optional "Power Sensing" unit (purchased separately}*
You can use one of the units listed below to monitor the on/off status of your monitor by connecting the sensor output of these devices to the
"TV On!Off Sensor" input of your receiver.
The following companies and products are not owned by or affiliated with Kenwood In any way Please contact these companies directly far further
information or to find a retailer nea_ you
JDS Technologies PSS-TV
The JDS Techno ogios PSS-TV unit _s e magnetic fled sensor
For more infom_at on :
16750 West Bernardo Drive San Diega, CA 92127 U.S A
TEL 619-487-8787 FAX 619-451 2799
INTERNET : www idstechno!ogies.com
EMAIL : online ds@aol corn
Niles Light Sensor
The Niles LS_'I Light Sensor s an LED 'power light sensor• (In some
cases, it can also be used to sense the magnetic field.)
The Niles APC 2 Current Sensing Switch senses changes _n power
For more nformation:
Ni[es 12331 SW !30 Street Miami, Florida 33186 305-238 4373 305-
238-0t 85 (fax}
Web: www.nileaaudio.com
Niles and the Nles logo are registered trademarks of Nites Audio
Corporation, Inc,