For VR-2090
VR-20£O/VR-2OBO/KRF-VB881 OiKRF-V77710 JEn/Ki
The following connections allow you to connect your main system to a monitor TV and speaker system located in another area -
(Room B). The monitor TV can be connected directly to the SECOND ROOM PRE OUT VIDEO jack. To connect the speakers, use
either of the connections described below.
To select the input and adjust the volume (etc.) for your other area (Room B), set the remote control to the Room B operation
FRONT SPEAKERS B connections ((T)):
These connect ons allow you to connect the speakers in Room B d i_ectty
to the recewer without using an additions power amplifier The sound
from the main system (Room A) automatically switches to stereo 'when
SPEAKERS B are turned on.
• If the Roort B operation is not set, the speakers _n another room can
be used as SPEAKERS B
SECOND ROOM PRE OUT connections (_)):
Use these connections if you want to eejoy surround sound from your "_
main system (Room A) while outputtmg another source to Room B
Connecting a speaker cord direcdy to a SECOND ROOM PRE OUT jack
wil not produce any sound from the speaker Connect the SECOND
ROOM PRE OUT jacks to powered speakers or power amplifiers co_..
nected to speakers
• To view the monitor TV in "Room B", connect the composite video
sgnsl (yellow acks) from the video so4.'tce component [o the
is only available for VR-2090 sold in the
U.S.A. and Canada.
Room A \
(Main System) X
Room B
Monitor TV
Speakers (@)
Speakers (0))