VR 2£J9QiVR 2QSOIKRF V88810/KRF V7771 [3[En/K)
Macro Execute
[ General setup flaw By setting up the items in "Setting up the remote control
unit for macro play (automatic operation)", you can start
L1 Opening the "Macro Execute" menu screen automatic play using the macro function.
[] Operation in the "Macro Execute" menu screen
r_ select the "Macro" icon from the fixed segments.
[_tn ,Mode |Snd[Fnc]St pill
Execute a macro in the "Macro Execute" menu screen.
• Select the icon of the component to be cor_troI_ed
Video On Custom1
Video On : Select to turn on the video components
Video Off : Select to turn off the vdeo cemponents_
Audio On : Select [o turn on the aud;o components
Audio Off : Select to turn off the audio components
Custom 1 : Select to execute "Macro Custom I"
Custom 2 : SeJect to execute "Macro Custom 2",
Custom 3 : Select to execute "Macro Custom 3".
perfect Macro (ForVR-2OgO/KRF-V8881D)
When "Prefect Macro" is executed, all the components in the AV system are turned ON or OFF,
The "Prefect Macro" operation is possible based on detection of the ON/OFF status of all AV components.
This receiver identifies the ON/OFF status of video components by detecting the sync signals in the video signals from them.
When the TV ON/OFF sensor is connected to the receiver, it detects the TV ON/OFF status by detecting the optical or magnetic
wave. (As the TV ON/OFF sensor connection is not possible with the KRF-V8881D, the TV cannot be turned ON/OFF with the
"Perfect Macro" operation,)
To make "Perfect Macro" executable, it is required to
perform the following related items as required.
• System connections
• Connecting the system centre
• Installing the remote centre transceiver
I_ste ling the "TV ON!OFF SENSOR"
• Setup of the remote controi unit
• Setup for controlling AV components
• Setup for macro pay (automatic operationj