Reference Manual
00809-0100-4696, Rev AA
September 2004
Rosemount 848L
PS 2 2 PS (channel number, divisor);
This function is a frequency prescaler. This function's
value will be true for 1 execution cycle each time the
requested device input has had 'divisor' pulses. This is
ideal for a scaling fast pulse inputs to a rate suitable for
the logic execution cycle.
RISE 1 1 RISE (a);
This function is a rising edge trigger. When 'a'
transitions from false to true, this function's result is
true, otherwise it is false.
RS 2 2 RS (set, reset);
This function is a reset dominant latch. When 'reset' is
true, this function will reset its' state to false regardless
of the value of 'set'. When 'reset' is false, the function's
state will have a false value until 'set' has had at least 1
true reading, after which the state will remain true. The
result of this function is the function's state.
SHL 3 4 SHL (a, clock, reset, bit);
This function is an 8 bit left shift register. When 'clock'
transitions from false to true, the value of 'a' is shifted
into the least significant bit of this function's register.
The remaining bits are shifted left by 1 bit position.
When 'reset' is true, all 8 bits in this function's register
will be cleared to zero. 'reset' is an optional parameter
and will always be considered false if it is not present.
The result of this function is the value of bit number 'bit'
in the register.
SHR 3 4 SHR (a, clock, reset, bit);
This function is an 8 bit right shift register. When 'clock'
transitions from false to true, the value of 'a' is shifted
into the most significant bit of this function's register.
The remaining bits are shifted right by 1 bit position.
When 'reset' is true, all 8 bits in this function's register
will be cleared to zero. 'reset' is an optional parameter
and will always be considered false if it is not present.
The result of this function is the value of bit number 'bit'
in the register.
SR 2 2 SR (set, reset);
This function is a set dominant latch. When 'set' is true,
this function will set its' state to true regardless of the
value of 'reset'. When 'reset' is false, the function's state
will have a false value until 'set' has had at least 1 true
reading, after which the state will remain true. When
reset is true, the function's state will be set to the value
of 'set'. The result of this function is the function's state.
TOF 2 2 TOF (a, time);
This function is an off delay. When 'a' is true, this
function will set its' output to true. When 'a' transitions to
false, the function's output will remain true for 'time' *
100 milliseconds before going false.
Table D-1. Supported Functions
Function Name
Required number
of parameters
Maximum number
of parameters
Function Description