Reference Manual
00809-0100-4696, Rev AA
September 2004
Rosemount 848L
Table C-3. Logic Transducer Parameters and Descriptions
Number Parameter Description
1 ST_ REV The revision level of the static data associated with the function block.
2 TAG_ DESC The user description of the intended application of the block.
3 STRATEGY The strategy field can be used to identify grouping of blocks.
4 ALERT_ KEY The identification number of the plant unit.
5 MODE_ BLK The actual, target, permitted, and normal modes of the block. For further description, see the Mode
parameter formal model in FF-890.
6 BLOCK_ ERR This parameter reflects the error status associated with the hardware or software components associated
with a block. Multiple errors may be shown. For a list of enumeration values, see FF-890, Block_ Err
formal model.
7 UPDATE_ EVT This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
8 BLOCK_ ALM The block alarm is used for all configuration, hardware, connection failure, or system problems in the
block. The cause of the alert is entered in the subcode field. The first alert to become active will set the
Active status in the Status attribute. As soon as the Unreported status is cleared by the alert reporting task,
another block alert may be reported without clearing the Active status, if the subcode has changed.
A directory that specifies the number and starting indices of the transducers in the transducer block. For
further information, please refer to the Transducer Block Application Process - Part 1 (FF-902)
Identifies the transducer that follows.
11 XD_ ERROR One of the error codes defined in FF-903 XD_ ERROR and Block Alarm Subcodes.
A directory that specifies the number, starting indices, and DD item IDs of the data collections in each
transducer within a transducer block. For further information, please refer FF-902.
13 EQ1 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ1_ VALUE.
14 EQ2 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ2_ VALUE.
15 EQ3 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ3_ VALUE.
16 EQ4 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ4_ VALUE.
17 EQ5 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ5_ VALUE.
18 EQ6 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ6_ VALUE.
19 EQ7 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ7_ VALUE.
20 EQ8 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ8_ VALUE.
21 EQ9 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ9_ VALUE.
22 EQ10 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ10_ VALUE.
23 EQ11 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ11_ VALUE.
24 EQ12 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ12_ VALUE.
25 EQ13 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ13_ VALUE.
26 EQ14 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ14_ VALUE.
27 EQ15 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ15_ VALUE.
28 EQ16 A boolean equation used to define the computation of EQ16_ VALUE.
29 OUT1_ EQ A boolean equation used to define the computation of OUT1_ VALUE.
30 OUT2_ EQ A boolean equation used to define the computation of OUT2_ VALUE.
31 OUT3_ EQ A boolean equation used to define the computation of OUT3_ VALUE.
32 OUT4_ EQ A boolean equation used to define the computation of OUT4_ VALUE.
33 PARSE_ RESULT A feedback string that displays the result of parsing EQ1 - EQ16, and OUT1_ EQ - OUT4_ EQ.
34 EQ1_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ1.
35 EQ2_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ2.
36 EQ3_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ3.
37 EQ4_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ4.
38 EQ5_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ5.
39 EQ6_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ6.
40 EQ7_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ7.
41 EQ8_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ8.
42 EQ9_ VALUE The value and status of the result of computing EQ9.