Quick Start for the WT3 Woofer Tester
NEVER connect the test leads of the WT3 to a speaker that
is connected to any other equipment or to an equipment
ground! Severe damage could occur to the WT3 unit or to
the other equipment. Only connect the WT3 to an
unconnected loudspeaker.
Naturally, you will want to test your first woofer as soon as you get your WT3. Here are step-by-step
instructions to get you going quickly.
1) Install the WT3 software.
Insert the WT3 CD and allow the file named "WT3_setup.exe" to auto-run.
(Alternately you can double-click on the "WT3_setup.exe" file to start the installation
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the software installation
Check for available upgrades at: http://www.daytonaudio.com/wt3updates.html
2) Connect the WT3 hardware unit to any convenient USB port on your computer.
After a few seconds the PC will recognize the new hardware. However, on initial power up the unit
requires a full 90 seconds to stabilize before measurements can be made. After this initial plug-in
delay, impedance measurements take only a few seconds to complete. This settling time is due to the
extremely wide low frequency bandwidth required for high precision measurements down to 1 Hz.
3) Set the Windows Volume Controls to Maximum.
From the task bar, double-click on Volume Control to open the mixer and Raise both the "Master" and
the "Wave" sliders to maximum. Make sure the Wave signal is panned to center. Although drivers can
be tested at lower signal levels, WT3 was designed to normally be used with the Windows Volume
control set at maximum.
4) Launch the WT3 application software.
From the Windows "Start" button select "All Programs" then select "WT3". The WT3 software will
5) Connect the alligator clips from the WT3 unit to the 1k Ohm calibration resistor.