Frequently Asked Questions about WT3
Q: Why do I have to wait 90 seconds for the WT3 hardware to warm up?
A: The initial 90 second waiting period delay is required in order for the hardware power supplies to
ramp up and stabilize. To perform precision measurements down to 1 Hz very wide low frequency
bandwidth is required.
Q: My WT3 was working fine but it seems to have stopped working correctly. What might have
A: The Windows Volume control settings may have been changed (reduced) when the hardware unit
was connected or disconnected. Open the Windows audio mixer by double-clicking on the speaker
icon in the task bar. Make sure that both the "Master" volume and the "Wave" signal are set to
maximum. The "Wave" signal must be panned to center and the audio must not be muted.
Note that it is possible to upset the DC balance of the unit momentarily should a test lead be
accidentally grounded or come in contact with any stray electrical charge. This may result in erratic
measurements until the system stabilizes again (this can take up to 90 seconds). Remember, never
connect the WT3 to a speaker that is connected to any other equipment or damage to the WT3 unit
could result.
Q: The title block is empty on my printed reports. How do I enter my info?
A: Go to Help > User Information to open the User Information dialog. The information you enter here
will appear in the title block of your printed reports.
Q: How accurate is WT3?
A: Because the speaker parameters are extracted from the impedance data they can only be as accurate
as the impedance measurement itself. When calibrated WT3 provides measurements below 1000 Ohms
and above 1 Ohm that are typically accurate to better than ± 1 %.