
SSL VPN > Virtual Office
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Note You must be logged in as root to install NetExtender, although many Linux systems will allow
the sudo ./install command to be used if you are not logged in as root.
Step 10 To view the NetExtender routes, go to the NetExtender menu and select Routes.
Step 11 To view the NetExtender Log, go to NetExtender > Log.
Step 12 To generate a diagnostic report with detailed information on NetExtender performance, go to
Help > Generate diagnostic report.
Step 13 Click Save to save the diagnostic report using the default nxdiag.txt file name in your
NetExtender directory.
Configuring SSL VPN Bookmarks
For information on configuring SSL VPN bookmarks, see “Editing Local Users” on page 1031
in the Users Management chapter.