5.4.2 Failover dial-out
The console server modem can be configured so a dial-out PPP connection is automatically set up in the
event of a disruption in the principal management network.
When configuring the principal network connection in System: IP specify the Failover Interface
that will be used when a fault has been detected with Network / Network1 (eth0). This can be
either Internal Modem or the Dial Serial DB9 (if you are using an external modem on the
Console port) or USB Modem
Specify the Probe Addresses of two sites (the Primary and Secondary) that the IMG/IM console
server is to ping to determine if Network / Network1 is still operational
Select the System: Dial menu option and the port to be configured (Serial DB9 Port or PC Card
or Internal Modem Port)
Select the Baud Rate and Flow Control that will communicate with the modem
Note You can further configure the console/modem port (for example, to include modem init strings) by
editing /etc/mgetty.config files as described in Chapter 13.
5.5 Cellular Modem Connection
The LES1408A, LES1416A, LES1432A, LES1448A, LES1308A, LES1316A, LES1332A and LES1348A
console servers have an internal cellular modem. The LES1508A, LES1208A-R2, LES1216A-R2,
LES1232A and LES1248A-R2 console servers support external cellular modems.
- These modems first need to be set up to validate they can connect to the carrier network.
- They then can be configured for operation in Failover mode, OOB mode, Cellular router mode or
CSD mode.
5.6.1 Connect to the GSM HSUPA/UMTS carrier network
The LES1308A, LES1316A, LES1332A and LES1348A console servers have an internal GSM modem
that will connect to any major GSM carrier globally. The LES1508A, LES1208A-R2, LES1216A-R2,
LES1232A and LES1248A-R2 console servers also support attaching an external USB GSM/HSPA
cellular modem from Sierra Wireless to one of its USB 2.0 ports.
Before powering on the console server you must install the SIM card provided by your cellular carrier, and
attach the external aerial.
Select Internal Cellular Modem panel on the System: Dial menu
Check Enable Dial-Out Settings
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