After completing each of the above steps, you can return to the configuration list by clicking in the top
left corner of the screen on the Black Box logo.
Note If you are not able to connect to the Management Console at or if the default
Username/Password were not accepted, then reset your console server (refer to Chapter 11).
3.2 Administrator Password
For security reasons, only the administrator user named root can initially log into your console server.
Only people who know the root password can access and reconfigure the console server itself. However,
anyone who correctly guesses the root password could gain access (and the default root password is
default). To avoid this, enter and confirm a new root password before giving the console server any
access to, or control of, your computers and network appliances.
The system password can be changed by editing the root user on the Serial & Network: Users
& Groups form
Select Change default administration password on the Welcome screen which will take you to
Serial & Network: Users & Groups where you can add a new confirmed Password for the user
Enter a new Password then re-enter it in Confirm . This is the new password for root, the main
administrative user account, so choose a complex password, and keep it safe.
Note There are no restrictions on the characters that can be used in the Password. It can contain up to
254 characters. However, only the first eight System Password characters are used to make the
password hash.
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