Note The User Name can contain from 1 to 127 alphanumeric characters (you can also use the special
characters “-”, “_”, and “.” ).
There are no restrictions on the characters that you can use in the user Password (each can
contain up to 254 characters). Only the first eight Password characters are used to make the
password hash.
Specify which Group (or Groups) you want the user to join.
SSH pass-key authentication can be used. This is more secure than password based
authentication. Paste the public keys of authorized public/private keypairs for this user in the
Authorized SSH Keys field.
Check Disable Password Authentication if you wish to only allow public key authentication for
this user when using SSH.
Check Enable Dial-Back in the Dial-in Options menu to allow an out-going dial-back connection
to be triggered by logging into this port. Enter the Dial-Back Phone Number with the phone
number to call-back when user logs in.
Check specific Accessible Hosts and/or Accessible Ports to nominate the serial ports and
network connected hosts you want the user to have access privileges to.
If there are configured RPCs, you can check Accessible RPC Outlets to specify which outlets the
user is able to control (that is, Power On/Off).
Click Apply. The new user can now access the Network Devices, Ports, and RPC Outlets you
nominated as accessible. Plus, if the user is a Group member they can also access any other
device/port/outlet that was set up as accessible to the Group.
Note There are no specific limits on the number of users you can set up; nor on the number of users
per serial port or host. Multiple users (Users and Administrators) can control/monitor one port or
There are no specific limits on the number of Groups. Each user can be a member of a number of
Groups (they take on the cumulative access privileges of each of those Groups). A user does not
have to be a member of any Groups (but if the User is not even a member of the default user
group. then he will not be able to use the Management Console to manage ports).
The time allowed to re-configure increases as the number and complexity increases. We
recommend that you keep the aggregate number of users and groups under 250.
The Administrator can also edit the access settings for any existing users:
Select Serial & Network: Users & Groups and click Edit for the User to be modified.
Alternately click Delete to remove the User or click Disable to temporarily block any access
Note For more information on enabling the SDT Connector so each user has secure tunneled remote
RPD/VNC/Telnet/HHTP/HTTPS/SoL access to the network connected hosts, refer to Chapter 6.
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