By default, the failover is not enabled. To enable, select the Network page on the System: IP
Select the Failover Interface to be used if the main fails. This can be:
o Management LAN - an alternate broadband Ethernet connection (which would be the
Network2 port on the LES1508A, LES1408A, LES1416A, LES1432A, LES1448A, LES1308A,
LES1316A, LES1332A, LES1348A, LES1208A-R2, LES1216A-R2, LES1232A and LES1248A-
R2 console server) or
o Internal Modem - the internal V.92 modem in the LES1208A-R2, LES1216A-R2,
LES1232A and LES1248A-R2 console server, or
o Internal Cellular Modem - the CDMA modem in the LES1408A, LES1416A, LES1432 and
LES1448, or theGSM modem in the LES1308A, LES1316A, LES1332 and LES1348 console
o Serial DB9 - an external serial modem connected to the Console port for dialing out to
an ISP or the remote management office.
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