Note The SDT Connector client can be configured with unlimited number of Gateways (that is, console
servers). You can configure each Gateway to port forward to an unlimited number of locally
networked Hosts. There is no limit on the number of SDT Connector clients that can be
configured to access the one Gateway. Nor are there limits on the number of Host connections
that an SDT Connector client can concurrently have open through the one Gateway tunnel.
There is a limit on the number of SDT Connector SSH tunnels that can be open at the same time
on a particular Gateway (console server). Each Gateway (console server) can support at least 50
such concurrent connections. At any time, you could have up to 50 users securely controlling an
unlimited number of Managed Devices at a remote site through the on-site console server
6.2.5 Manually adding hosts to the SDT Connector gateway
For each gateway, you can manually specify the network connected hosts that you will access through
that console server; and for each host, specify the services that you will use to communicate with the
Select the newly added gateway and click the Host icon
to create a host that will be
accessible via this gateway. (Alternatively select File: New Host).
Enter the IP or DNS Host Address of the host (if this is a DNS address, it must be able to be
resolved by the gateway).
Select which Services to use to access the new host. A range of service options are pre-
configured in the default SDT Connector client (RDP, VNC, HTTP, HTTPS, Dell RAC, VMware, etc.).
However if you want to add new services to the range, then proceed to the next section (Adding
a new service) then return here.
Or, enter a Descriptive Name for the host to display instead of the IP or DNS address, and any
Notes or a Description of this host (such as its operating system/release, or anything special
about its configuration).
Click OK.
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