6.2.1 SDT Connector installation
The SDT Connector set up program (SDTConnector Setup-1.n.exe or sdtcon-1.n.tar.gz) is
included on the CD supplied with your Black Box console server.
Run the set-up program.
Note For Windows clients, the SDTConnectorSetup-1.n.exe application will install the SDT Connector
1.n.exe and the config file defaults.xml. If there is already a config file on the Windows PC, then it
will not be overwritten. To remove an earlier config file, run the regedit command and search for
“SDT Connector,” then remove the directory with this name.
For Linux and other Unix clients, SDTConnector.tar.gz application will install the sdtcon-1.n.jar
and the config file defaults.xml.
Once the installer completes you will have a working SDT Connector client installed on your machine and
an icon on your desktop:
Click the SDT Connector icon on your desktop to start the client.
Note SDT Connector is a Java application, so it must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
installed. You can download this for free from http://java.sun.com/j2se/. It installs on Windows
2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and 7 PCs and on most Linux platforms. Solaris platforms are also
supported, but they must have Firefox installed. SDT Connector can run on any system with
Java 1.4.2 and above installed, but it assumes the web browser is Firefox, and that xterm -e
telnet opens a telnet window.
To operate SDT Connector, you first need to add new gateways to the client software by entering the
access details for each console server (refer to Section 6.2.2). Then, let the client auto-configure all host
and serial port connections from each console server (refer to Section 6.2.3). Finally, point-and-click to
connect to the Hosts and serial devices (refer to Section 6.2.4).
Or, you can manually add network connected hosts (refer to Section 6.2.5) and manually configure new
services to use to access the console server and the hosts (refer to Section 6.2.6). Then, manually
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