Specify the Recipient Email Address to send this email to and the Subject of the email. For
multiple recipients you can enter comma separated addresses
Edit the Email Text message to send and click Save New Action
Note An SMS alert can also be sent via an SMTP (email) gateway. You will need to specify the
Recipient Email Address in the format specified by the gateway provider (e.g. for T-Mobile it is
phonenumber @tmomail.net)
7.3.2 Send SMS
Click on Send SMS as the Add Trigger Action. Enter a unique Action Name and set the
Action Delay Time
Specify the Phone number that the SMS will be sent to in international format (without the +)
Edit the Message Text to send and click Save New Action
Note: The SMS alert can only be sent if there is an internal or external USB cellular modem attached.
However an SMS alert can also be sent via a SMTP SMS gateway as described above.
7.3.3 Perform RPC Action
Click on Perform RPC Action as the Add Trigger Action. Enter a unique Action Name and
set the Action Delay Time
Select a power Outlet and specify the Action to be performed (power On, OFF or Cycle)
Click Save New Action
7.3.4 Run Custom Script
Click on Run Custom Script as the Add Trigger Action. Enter a unique Action Name and
set the Action Delay Time
Create a script file to execute when this action is triggered and enter the Script Executable
file name e.g. /etc/config/action.sh
Set the Script Timeout (i.e. the maximum run-time for the script). Leave as 0 for unlimited.
Enter any Arguments that are to be passed to the script and click Save New Action
7.3.5 Send SNMP Trap
Click on Send SNMP Trap as the Add Trigger Action. Enter a unique Action Name and set
the Action Delay Time
Note: The SNMP Trap actions are valid for Serial, Environmental, UPS and Cellular data triggers only
7.3.6 Send Nagios Event
Click on Send Nagios Event as the Add Trigger Action. Enter a unique Action Name and
set the Action Delay Time
Edit the Nagios Event Message text to display on the Nagios status screen for the service
Specify the Nagios Event State (OK, Warning, Critical or Unknown) to return to Nagios for
this service
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