For a User named “fred” to access serial port 2, when setting up the SSHTerm or the PuTTY
SSH client, instead of typing username = fred and ssh port = 3002, the alternate is to type
username = fred:port02 (or username = fred:ttyS1) and ssh port = 22.
Or, by typing username=fred:serial and ssh port = 22. A port selection option appears to the
This syntax enables Users to set up SSH tunnels to all serial ports with only opening a single IP
port 22 in their firewall/gateway.
TCP RAW TCP allows connections directly to a TCP socket. Communications programs like PuTTY
also support RAW TCP. You would usually access this protocol via a custom application.
For RAW TCP, the default port address is IP Address _ Port (4000 + serial port #) i.e. 4001 –
RAW TCP also enables the serial port to be tunneled to a remote console server, so two serial
port devices can transparently interconnect over a network (see Chapter 4.1.6—Serial
RFC2217 Selecting RFC2217 enables serial port redirection on that port. For RFC2217, the default port
address is IP Address _ Port (5000 + serial port #), that is, 5001 – 5048.
Special client software is available for Windows UNIX and Linux that supports RFC2217 virtual
com ports, so a remote host can monitor and manage remote serially attached devices, as
though they were connected to the local serial port (see Chapter 4.6—Serial Port Redirection
for details).
RFC2217 also enables the serial port to be tunneled to a remote console server, so two serial
port devices can transparently interconnect over a network (see Chapter 4.1.6—Serial
Unauthenticated Telnet Selecting Unauthenticated Telnet enables telnet access to the serial port
without requiring the user to provide credentials. When a user accesses the console server to
telnet to a serial port he normally is given a login prompt. With unauthenticated telnet, the
user connects directly through to a port with any console server login. This mode is mainly
used when you have an external system (such as conserver) managing user authentication
and access privileges at the serial device level.
For Unauthenticated Telnet, the default port address is IP Address _ Port (6000 + serial port
#) i.e. 6001 – 6048
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