C. For earlier version Windows computers, follow the steps in Section B. above. To get to the Make
New Connection button:
For Windows 2000, click Start, and select Settings. At the Dial-Up Networking Folder, click
Network and Dial-up Connections, and click Make New Connection. You may need to first set
up a connection over the COM port using Connect directly to another computer before
proceeding to Set up an advanced connection.
For Windows 98, double click My Computer on the Desktop, then open Dial-Up Networking
and double click.
6.10.2 Set up SDT Serial Ports on console server
To set up RDP (and VNC) forwarding on the console server Serial Port that is connected to the Windows
computer COM port:
Select the Serial & Network: Serial Port menu option and click Edit (for the particular Serial Port
that is connected to the Windows computer COM port).
On the SDT Settings menu, select SDT Mode (this will enable port forwarding and SSH tunneling)
and enter a Username and User Password.
Note When you enable SDT, it will override all other Configuration protocols on that port.
Note If you leave the Username and User Password fields blank, they default to portXX and portXX
where XX is the serial port number. The default username and password for Secure RDP over
Port 2 is port02.
Make sure the console server Common Settings (Baud Rate, Flow Control) are the same as those
set up on the Windows computer COM port and click Apply.
RDP and VNC forwarding over serial ports is enabled on a Port basis. You can add Users who can
have access to these ports (or reconfigure User profiles) by selecting Serial & Network: User &
Groups menu tag—as described earlier in Chapter 4, Configuring Serial Ports.
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