In both alternativescanning (contextualand drag&drop scanning) thescan window willappear.
If a virus is detected, an alert window will prompt you to select the action on the infected file.
Action Selection
You can view the name of the file and the name of
the virus.
Select one of the following actions to take on the infected file:
• Disinfect - disinfects the infected file;
• Delete - deletes the infected file;
• Copy to quarantine - copies the infected file into the quarantine;
• Move to quarantine - moves the infected file into the quarantine;
• Rename - changes the extension of the infected files. The new extension of the infected
files will be .vir.
• Ignore - ignores the infection. No action will be taken on the infected file.
If you scan a folder, and you wish the action on the infected files to be the same for all, select
the checkbox corresponding to Apply to all.
If the Disinfect option is not enabled, it means the file cannot be disinfected. The best choice is
to isolate it in the quarantine zone and send it to us for analysis or delete it.
Click OK.
Antivirus module