CD-ROM LinuxDefender runs from a CD-ROM, therefore a CD-ROM and a
BIOS capable to boot from it is required.
Internet connection Although LinuxDefender will run with no Internet connection, the
update procedures will require an active HTTP link, even through
some proxy server. Therefore, for anup to dateprotection, the Inter-
net connection is a MUST.
Graphical resolution A graphical resolution of 800x600 at least is recommended for the
web-based administration.
10.3. Included software
BitDefender Rescue CD includes the following software packages.
• BitDefender SMTP Proxy (Antispam & Antivirus)
• BitDefender Remote Admin (web-based configuration)
• BitDefender Linux Edition (antivirus scanner) + GTK Interface
• BitDefender Documentation (PDF & HTML format)
• BitDefender Extras (Artwork, Leaflets)
• Linux-Kernel 2.6
• Captive NTFS write project
• LUFS - Linux Userland File System
• Tools for data recovery and system repairs, even for other operating systems
• Network and security analysis tools for network administrators
• Amanda backup solution
• thttpd
• Ethereal network traffic analyzer, IPTraf IP LAN Monitor
• Nessus network security auditor
• Parted, QTParted and partimage, partition resize, save & recovery solution
• Adobe Acrobat Reader
• Mozilla Firefox Web browser
10.4. BitDefender Linux Security solutions
LinuxDefender CD includes BitDefender SMTP Proxy Antivirus/Antispam for Linux, BitDe-
fender Remote Admin (a web-based interface for configuring BitDefender SMTP Proxy) and
BitDefender Linux Edition on-demand antivirus scanner.
Rescue CD